It is highly recommended that you enable the Ruby language server (via the Use Language Server setting or eLanguageServer config option). Given how dynamic Ruby projects can be (are you using rvm, rbenv, chruby, or asdf? Are your gems globally installed or via bundler? etc), the extension requires additional configuration for additional features to be available. However, these defaults do not include settings to enable features like formatting or linting. Search for ruby in the VS Code Extension Gallery and install it! Initial Configurationīy default, the extension provides sensible defaults for developers to get a better experience using Ruby in Visual Studio Code. Format support via RuboCop, Standard, Rufo, Prettier and RubyFMT.Lint support via RuboCop, Standard, and Reek.Automatic Ruby environment detection with support for rvm, rbenv, chruby, and asdf.This extension provides enhanced Ruby language and debugging support for Visual Studio Code.